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How to refill the Freshwater Tank

How to refill the Freshwater Tank in our vehicles

Updated over 8 months ago

On board the vehicle is a freshwater system consisting of a water pump and freshwater tank. This water is for the sink, shower, and toilet flush.

To fill the freshwater tank:

1. Unlock the compartment that says “Water” with the small silver key on your keyring.

2. Remove the cap from the water inlet.

3. Place the end of the water hose unto the tank and connect the hose to the tap to fill the vehicle with fresh water.

Note: Do not use too much pressure as the tank must be vented when filling (A slow flow is best). In the event of an air bubble, simply remove the hose, reinsert it and fill slowly again.

The tank is full when the water starts to overflow from the water inlet.

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